Monday, November 15, 2010

Revisiting the Fish-Eyed Goddess in Madurai

Earlier Lee wrote that our visit to Meenakshi Temple in Madurai (on Friday, October 29th) seemed impossible to capture in photographs. The complex, dedicated to Parvati, the consort of Shiva here known as Meenakshi ("the Fish-Eyed Goddess"), is both extremely large and quite complex, filled daily with thousands of devotees, and a disjointed hodge-podge of architectural and sculptural elements impossible to aggregate into a meaningful whole.

In the end, however, he couldn't resist trying! So here's an attempt to describe our walk through this truly marvelous sacred space illustrated along the way with some digital images hopefully capturing something of the visual grandeur of the place.

Let's begin with an aerial view of the entire temple complex:

And here's a reference map indicating (in alphabetical order) the various locations visited as we trudged from spot to spot:
We approached the temple initially, having alighted from our bus a block or so away, down a narrow side street which then disgorged us onto a brick plaza just to the north of the walled complex. This approach brought gasps from us all as we emerged onto the plaza and caught our first glimpse of one of the seven gopura dominating the horizon.

After removing our shoes and depositing them in a shoe kiosk, we entered one of the two gates [A] at the temple's eastern edge (the western gopura representing the head; those to the north and south, the arms; and the two to the south, the legs) where we found an extremely busy and colorful market in full swing.

We turned left at the first opportunity into a corridor with brightly painted ceilings , then stopped to admire a huge wedding hall [B] topped by an absolutely amazing layered teak ceiling ...

... before taking a right and climbing some stairs to look out over the Golden Lily Tank [C] from a pillared veranda from which we could also catch views of others in the temple's inventory of gopura.

We stopped to admire the temple's largest tower with its gracefully curved base and layer upon layer of polychromed images [D], ...

... then wandered along yet another pillar-lined hallway searching out a particularly nice image of Ganesha [E].

We passed by the holy-of-holies [F] housing an image of Parvati (open only to Hindus) ..
... and came into a huge exuberantly decorated hall. Ahead of us another Ganesha image [G] garnered obeisances from avid followers -- as did hosts of other sacred objects scattered throughout the temple corridors.

Turning to our left, we entered the Great Hall [H] in front of the sanctuary [I] housing the temple's principle image of Shiva (here known as Sundarashvara -- "the Handsome One"). Here we found a statue of Nandi, the bull serving as Shiva's steed, and a golden pillar pointing into the sky above.

We passed through another gate (where we were blessed by an elephant!) to return to the entrance hall where we had begun our trek.

Lots of shops crowded the hallway here but we still managed to find the entrance to the Thousand Pillar Hall [J] which now serves as a museum -- and where one can find a set of seven pillars that, when struck, sound out the scale used in Carnatic music.

So there you have it: a short, illustrated tour of what Lee believes to be the best temple seen on the Soul of India tour.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Wedding in Goa Video Reconstructed

Here is a properly ordered version (in two parts) of the video Lee shot during Kevin and Jeannine's wedding on October 20, 2010. It should replace the "postmodern" effort posted earlier. What's remarkable about this whole undertaking is that the video was done on a NIKON D5000 digital camera, not a camcorder.

Just goes to show how technology has improved the movie-making process over the past several years!
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Portraits from South India

Here's a link to a gallery of "people pictures" entitled PORTRAITS OF SOUTH INDIA pulled together today from the thousand or so shots Lee took while on tour. Heidi always accuses him of avoiding photographs of people in favor of buildings and flowers. These two hundred or so images should quiet that complaint for awhile at least!

The music in the background is by INDIAN OCEAN, a group of South Asian Indians, mainly from Mumbai, that we heard in concernt a year or so ago. We liked them so much we bought two of their CDs.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Final Notes and Future Promises

Heidi and Lee have been back in Shaker Heights now for three very full days and are adjusting gradually to being home again. Jet lag has affected Lee less than Heidi, but Heidi has gotten a lot more done as a result - laundry, making arrangements to have the bathroom wallpaper stripped and the walls painted, sending in our snowplow contract (There was snow on the ground when we returned Monday morning!), grocery shopping, banking, catching up on email, talking with friends on the phone, visiting neighbors, contacting our house cleaning crew. Lee did convene the Off Campus Studies group reading The Tale of Genji Wednesday afternoon but otherwise has been just lazing about, "adjusting" very, very gradually to his new/old surroundings.

Looking back on that marathon return travel day, there were three highlights worth adding to the litany of worthwhile tour stops:

Mid-morning in the midst of our three hour bus ride from Mysore to the airport in Bangalore, we stopped at a prison site used by a local Indian ruler to incarcerate English prisoners of war. The men were chained chest deep in leech-filled water in a vast underground grotto (only discovered when a cannon fell through the cavern roof) - doesn't seem man's inhumanity to man has changed all that much over the centuries.

The prison was part of a large fort built (with the help of French engineers) and defended by Tipu Sultan against the British until his defeat (and death) in 1799. Only the ruined walls of the fort still stand, but nearby we visited Gumbaz, the site of his tomb and the location of an annual memorial service marking the day of his death - which coincidentally had taken place just the previous Friday. Consequently the compound was more than usually crowded with visitors, mostly Muslims decked out (especially the women) in sparkly duds that attracted lots of attention from the group's cameras.

Just before lunch we made a brief stop at a silk cocoon wholesale auction center where we wandered, awestruck, among hundreds and hundreds of tables stacked with white and off-white silk cocoons brought in by locals and sold to other small scale cottage industry representatives to be spun into silk thread. None of us had ever seen anything like it before, and we left even more aware of the place of small scale enterprises in the Indian economy - no wonder there are so few chain stores around and nary a Wall-Mart in sight!

Eventually we did reach Bangalore where members of our group began to peel off, heading in different directions for the return home. Heidi and Lee waited five hours at the airport for our flight to Delhi, then spent two hours transferring from the domestic terminal to the (brand spanking new) international terminal and making our way through security (likely enhanced as a result of Obama's recent early afternoon arrival). A fourteen hour thirty minute plane ride followed, bringing us to a two hour layover in Chicago prior to our fifty minute flight to Cleveland. Somehow we survived it all to take a taxi the last several miles home to Shaker Heights.

Both of us are now working on making sense of the whole trip. A Highlight Reel in digital photo form will follow in the near future, along with a re-cut version of the Kevin - Jeannine wedding video and an assembled collection of "people pictures". So, stay tuned for some final (illustrated) thoughts.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Visits to a Sacred Mountain and a Palatial Palace

Our foggy morning ride to the summit of the Chamundi Hills on the edge of Mysore did not prepare us for the masses of folks visiting Chamundeshwari Temple, evidently a major area attraction even more popular during Dawali.

The holiday crowd swirled around the cows and the monkeys and the touts in a festive mood that soon infected our group, leading to a bangle feeding frenzy as the women swarmed a small shop and stocked up on the shiny bracelets with abandon!

Later we wandered in awe -- along with hundreds of others -- through the vast halls of Mysore Palace, a massive structure dating to 1912 and an extraordinary example of Indo-Saracinic architecture (a combination of Islamic and Hindu styles). Fortunately interior photography was forbidden, so instead we had to concentrate on actually looking at the elaborate design elements everywhere around us. We were there nearly two hours!

Tonight we attend a Farewell Dinner, than retire early to catch what for many of us will be the last good night's sleep we'll have until we return home how ever many hours from now that may be.

Don't expect another entry 'til then!

Your South Indian friends,
Lee and Heidi (and Donald, too)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mysore or Bust!

Our day began after breakfast watching the conclusion of a twelve hour Hindu ceremony chasing away evil influences and welcoming Lakshmi, the bringer of wealth and prosperity, to the newly constructed reception area of the hotel.

The final procession was led by Peggy, one of our group, as the first to enter the lobby.

She was followed by a cow!

The Hindu priest in charge started the process Thursday evening and stayed up all night chanting and feeding the sacred fire and guiding the hotel staff in their ritual responsibilties. He was very receptive to all us onlookers, even pausing occasionally to explain the proceedings and asking our participation in the "public" chants.

At times yesterday (Friday), as our tour bus rumbled through the countryside, sometimes bumping along short stretches of packed dirt roadway, we felt like pioneers headed West rather than travelers enroute to Mysore. But along the way we stopped at a “cow wash” and again were able to observe rural life, this time in an area of India dominated by sugar cane and rice cultivation.

A late riverside lunch was a welcome respite just outside our final destination, and one of our best dining experiences brought the day to very satisfying conclusion.

The highlight of the day for Lee was climbing up the 628 steps leading to a Jain temple at Shravanabelagola housing an image of Gomateshwara, one of the religious group's most important saints and a major pilgrimage objective for Jains from all over the country. Heidi and several others watched the ascent from the foot of the hill, having decided against being carried up on litters to view the thousand year old 57 foot tall statue firsthand.

Following our arrival in Mysore and prior to dinner, we walked through a huge local market, always a photographer's paradise, particularly this time around since folks were preparing for Diwali, the festival of lights being celebrated all weekend long.

Before bed, as well, we watched fireworks light up the city (despite the intervening intermittent showers) from our sixth floor hotel room window and (on the way to dinner) were able to see (from a distance) Mysore Palace all lit up, totally outlined in twinkling white lights!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Well Worth the Trip!

We boarded our bus this morning hoping that the many hours spent getting here to Hassan yesterday would prove worthwhile. An hour or so later, having bounced over some narrow roads out into the surrounding countryside, we arrived in Halebidu at Hoysaleswara Temple, built over a period of eighty-six years by Hoysala rulers in the twelfth century but never finished. What a revelation!

Intricate carvings of Hindu gods and goddesses, dancing girls and dwarfs, elephants and mythological creatures, scenes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata completely covered the inner and outer surfaces of the temple. The soapstone used made exquisite details possible and the stone's later hardening kept the detail crisp over all these centuries.


After a leisurely ninety minute walk around the star-shaped main building listening to Minaka's recounting of various stories connected with the images crowding the walls, we were even more impressed than when we had started.

Minaka then took us to a little visited nearby Jain basadis (temple complex). The Hoysala monarch responsible for Hoysaleswara converted fro Jainism, but his wife did not; the temple we toured was one of those at which she worshiped. It, too, was fascinating, especially since it featured the first Jain imagery we've encountered.

Following lunch, we walked around and through our third temple of the day, the Channekeshava Temple in Belur. The intricacy of the carvings here surpassed even those found in Halebidu!

While zipping around from temple to temple we also had the chance, as we do every day, to observe life "up close and personal" with some striking photographic results.