Friday, October 8, 2010

On the Trail and Off to the Theater

Today was one of those ideal Autumn days -- cool, clear and sunny. So this afternoon we took our bikes down to the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail near Peninsula for a ride between Deep Lock Quarry and Beaver Marsh. Afterward we stopped at Fisher's in Peninsula for an ice cream shake and a chocolate malt.

Home in time for supper; then off this evening to the Great Lakes Theater Festival production of Shakespeare's OTHELLO - which turned out to be one of the best we've ever seen! We'd enjoyed Oscar Wilde's comic AN IDEAL HUSBAND just last Sunday with many of the same players in the cast, which always makes these repertory productions so special.

The city at night also looked the best it has in years. The new CSU Student Center and nearby Education College buildings along Euclid, the fairly recently completed roadway itself, lots of refurbished buildings along the way and the greatly enlarged Cleveland Clinic campus made the drive between Downtown and University Circle a real pleasure.

A great conclusion to a busy - and very rewarding - day! (Especially since, hopefully, we also managed to clear away and clarify the last remaining details surrounding our India travel plans!)

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