Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, Blessed Sunday

A perfectly bright and sunny Autumn Sunday!

This afternoon, following church, a barbecue lunch kicking off Plymouth's annual Stewardship Campaign and a Grandparenting Class (led by son Jonathan's preschool teacher from thirty years ago!), we drove out to Nancy and Dave Genger's vineyard in Conneaut to attend the dedication of a memorial Zen garden honoring their son David, Jr., who died earlier this summer.

The drive out caught the trees at their Autumn best, just before the tinted leaves begin to drift to the ground. The colors aren't quite as intense as they can be, but what a treat it was to see them in all their various colors and shades.

The brief service at the farm was moving, a reminder to us all both of the impact a single life can have on others and of the fragility of each and every one of our lives. Earlier, at the Grandparenting Class, each of us was asked to list the three things we would most like to see passed on to our grandchildren. Heidi listed "family matters", "global awareness" and "child of God" while Lee's listed "travel, travel, travel", "the world is a glorious place" and "do what you know you love" -- all values we'd like the lives of our descendants to reflect and to see lived out in ours.

What better way to bless this day?

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